Two-day course Gymnastics course (Bodyweight Strength)
- Developing maximal Strength: Upper (Push & Pull)
- Increase strength endurance and strength speed
- How to properly accommodating resistance for Body Weight movements (Conjugate method)
- Prehab development (avoid injuries)
- Developing scapular strength
- Wrist strength exercises & Stretching techniques
- Mechanical breakdown of every skill (step by step progressions)
- Handstands development, Walking variations
- HSPU on multiple apparatuses
- Ring Muscle-ups (Strict & Kip)
- Correct Swinging technique on Rings
- Bar muscle-up
- Pull-overs
- Kipping efficiency
- Pull-up variations
- Push-up variations
- Midline/core strength variation
( Movement efficiency )
- For WODS
- Rings Warm-up
- Advanced Handstand Drills